2. Versus, Co-op and Share


As long as we’re on the topic, why don’t we talk about the details of playing Super Smash Bros. Brawl over the Internet?


Sure. Of course, you can battle with others. However, I also wanted to offer other primary forms of gameplay and, ultimately, created three different elements: Versus, Co-op (cooperative gameplay) and Share. (See document) As we discussed earlier, with Versus, you have the option to battle With Friends or With Anyone. Of course, players can also fight in free-for-alls, or two can compete in challenges like the Home-Run Contest.


Oh, I see.


You can attack the Sandbag together at the same time, or you can change the setup to something like a track and field event and take turns hitting two sandbags with the player hitting it the farthest being named the winner. You'd be surprised by how fired up you can get! (laughs)

Video: Home-Run Contest Battle

As long as we’re on the topic, why don’t we talk about the details of playing Super Smash Bros. Brawl over the Internet?
Home-Run Contest Battle


Like when playing a time trial mode, there’s not a lot of emotion when playing alone. Playing against someone, however, seems to add some unique pressure.


Exactly. Moving on, Co-op offers cooperative play in which players form teams to compete in contests like the Team Multi-Man Brawl. Also, when participating in a Brawl, you can form teams not just with your Friends but with Anyone, which has both elements of Versus and Co-op.

Iwata Asks

Really? In With Anyone you can battle as a team?




Are the teams formed randomly?


Yes. When four people play together, they’re assigned randomly to fight two-on-two.


That means that you can team up and play with someone you don’t even know.


Right. When four players get together, there’s going to be those who always place third or fourth. However, with the opportunity to be partnered with a stronger player, they now have the chance to taste the thrill of victory.


I see.


Lastly, the Share feature enables you to exchange Snapshots or have them distributed by Nintendo’s server.


Versus and Co-op features both look like fun, but I think the Share feature might just create the sort of entertainment that only Smash Bros. Brawl could make by utilising the internet.


Right. In addition to exchanging Snapshots, a gamer can post and receive stages that have been edited with the Stage Builder feature. In order to provide a better explanation, perhaps I should talk about the Stage Builder first.